2017 BFM Winter Market Vendors
It has been an incredibly cold and snowy start to Winter this year. The challenges to our farmers to grow in this weather were enormous! Still, we are amazed at the quality and variety of produce they were able to tease out of the frosty ground.
Starting this season, the Beaverton Farmers Market will hold our Winter Market every Saturday in February, March and April - which means that our customers will be able to enjoy locally grown produce and artisan foods for 10 months out of the year.
We are looking forward to being there for you every week, starting February 4th. See below for a list of vendors signed up to participate in the 2017 Winter Markets. (Please be mindful that the list is subject to change due to weather and other unforeseen conditions.)
2 Towns Ciderhouse
Beaverton Farmers Market
Briar Rose Creamery
Bull Run Cider
Casa de Tamales
Decadent Creations
Denison Farms
Don Felipe Products
Early Mom
Eastside Distilling
Eleni's Kitchen
Esotico Pasta
Fetzer's German Sausage
Fressen Artisan Bakery
Gabriel's Bakery
Great Harvest Hillsboro
Henry Higgins Boiled Bagels
Kiyokawa Family Orchards
Linda Brand Crab & Seafood
Lonely Lane Farms
Luralu's Dark Bark
May's Produce and Flowers
MeeMee's Goodies
Money Bowl
New Deal Distillery
NOLA Doughnuts
Old School Peanut Roasters
Olympia Provisions
Packer Orchards
Pony Espresso
Quinn's Prime & Vine
Santos Family Farm
Souper Natural
Springbank Farm
Sun Gold Farm
Sweet Briar Farms
Swell Granola
TbeeS Honey
The Hummus Stop
The Mushroomery
Winters Farms